A 501(c)(3) Community Organization
Healing. Engaging. Restoring. Empowering... at The Well.
LeT's talk about
MEntaL HeaLtH

Families who have historically faced issues of poverty, racial and economic inequities, and lack of access to healthcare, are experiencing increased disparities due to the COVID19 crisis. Although Black adults have expressed a great need for mental health services, only 1 in three receive it, which leaves many Black people without the mental health care they need.
The reasons for this issue vary in different communities. “Additionally, negative sociopolitical experiences including racism, discrimination, and sexism put African American women at risk for low-income jobs, multiple role strain, and health problems, all of which are associated with the onset of mental illness (Schneider, Hitlan, & Radhakrishnan, 2000)”.
​Young girls are having the same experiences in their homes, schools, and environments. The Well Experience has built a safe space for young girls to grow and develop surrounded by staff members and volunteers who are dedicated to creating a healing environment for girls, women and their families.
"We are inspired to think about the multiple ways in which racial, gender, and socioeconomic inequities converge to marginalize Black girls in their learning environments-relegating many to an inferior quality of education because they are perceived as defiant, delinquent, aggressive, too sexy, too proud, and too loud to be treated with dignity in their schools" (Monique W. Morris, 2015).
Black people have historically been negatively affected by prejudice and discrimination in the health care system in the US. And, unfortunately, many Black people still have these negative experiences when they attempt to seek treatment."What happens at the intersection of mental health and one’s experience as a member of the Black community? While the experience of being Black in America varies tremendously, there are shared cultural factors that play a role in helping define mental health and supporting well-being, resiliency, and healing" (The National Alliance on Mental Health).
The Well Experience provides culturally competent support to positively impact the mental healthcare of underserved minority families in Champaign, Urbana, and Rantoul, and expand services where needed. Our coordinated services are provided using a multi-tiered, evidence-based system of support to provide care based on the specific needs and goals presented by our clients and those who refer clients to us. We also provide Universal Supports that are open to our clients, program participants, and community members.
For More Information on Mental Health for Black/African American Families, Visit: